Unfortunately, the era of browsing bins of sheet music at your local music store is over. Mail order operations like Amazon have forced most of us to cut our sheet music inventory to just the essentials.
Here are a few things we still stock. We have a few other handy items as well, like manuscript paper. Give us a call to see if we happen to have what you need. And we still maintain a relationship with publisher Hal Leonard, so we are able to special order any of their titles.
PS: If you are a music teacher, we offer a complementary 15% discount on sheet music items, including special orders.
Piano Adventures piano method
The Piano Adventures series is one of the most popular piano methods and is used by many local teachers. We try to keep books from every level in stock, and we can order any of the supplemental materials if we don't have what you need.
Hal Leonard guitar method
The Hal Leonard guitar series is one of the most popular guitar methods and is used by many local teachers. As with Piano Adventures, we try to keep books from every level in stock, and we can order any of the supplemental materials if we don't have what you need.
'Real Book' fake books
The Real Books are the best-selling jazz books of all time, containing melody lines and chords for hundreds of jazz and rock tunes. Since the 1970s, musicians have trusted these volumes to get them through lessons, music courses and gigs. We stock an assortment of volumes for various instruments including high and low voice.
"Watch and Learn" beginner books
The Watch and Learn series came out just a couple of years ago and immediately got our attention. These are self-paced books for beginners and are available for a number of popular instruments. They explain the basics very clearly, are easy to follow and come complete with video examples.
Want your sheet music instantly? If it's in the Hal Leonard catalogue (one of the biggest publishers in the world) you can print it right on your computer! Just click here and we'll take you to the Hal Leonard Sheet Music Direct web site.
Ellis Music in Vermont is a family-owned music store that still stocks printed music and sells online. Visit their web site to see if they have what you need.
And if none of these sources meet your needs, we reluctantly suggest that you contact Sheet Music Plus, a good independent mail order sheet music supplier.
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